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Unreal Engine 4
My experience of UE4 in the context of games development
Professional Game Development Environments
Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of professional 3D games development using the Unreal Engine in a team project.
- UE4 skills developed:
- Use of Blueprints (visual scripting) to implement mechanics and game logic
- Basic C++ knowledge
- Level design
- Implementation of animated characters
- GUI implementations (HUD, menus)
- Sound implementation
- Overall familiarisation with the editor and its functions/tools available
- Game design with Unreal Engine
Individual Project
Development of a game project which saw a large focus on use of C++ along with appropriate use of Blueprints, making for a careful design
Worked independently to manage my own final year project, based on my own ideas and abilities, of which the progress would be regularly reported to the supervisor, with the final artefacts including a dissertation as well as a beta-stage game project
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