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AI Game

My individual project which sets out to accomplish an effective balance of C++ with Blueprints. In this project, AI is the focus through AI Perception and Behaviour Trees

Video Preview

If video footage isn't yet available for this project, a placeholder video will be shown in its place. Otherwise, here is a video to show the game in motion! These tend to be videos generated previously for university submission purposes.


My Role

My role, as this was a solo project, was to do everything (essentially like a solo indie project). For this project, we had to keep track of multiple deadlines reflecting the development lifecycle and report to our project supervisors who would help in keeping track of progress or any queries on the requirements of the assignment.

• Design (structural, cosmetic, game logic, mechanics, best-practice considerations)
• Programming (C++)
• Documentation (dissertation writing, design report; overall, a full document on the game's design, implementation, testing, and more.)

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