A quick post to list tasks which I have done for the project, as well as speak to contribution using data from the game project's repository.
Over the final few weeks, I have:
Written the "Design and Playtest" report, distributed to team so they can add their own sections.
Overhalled the game's controls- they are now more user-friendly as a result of making them appear more responsive. This was done to address confusion on the weird controls I implemented in the beginning.
Many bug fixes, some described in the bug database I made for submission.
Designed all levels.
Designed the GUI, with assets from the artist. This task was specifically set for another member, but I had to pick it up so as not to slow down development.
To visualise contribution to the game project, GitLab provides graphs for this as well as keeping track of everything which happens in a project, and who contributed. I will demonstrate this through measuring "commits"- every time you make a change or, more commonly, a block of changes to the project, you "commit" your changes.
This is a sub-branch- one which is meant to be worked on by one person (we all work on respective branches). The changes they make on this branch would be merged into the "master" (main) branch. This is my teammate's branch, whose role is programmer. This is not my branch, but it shows that I have 22 commits, which is because the teammate has to "pull" the changes I make on my branch before working on the project. I have more than 22 commits, but the teammate hasn't pulled the recent ones.
This is a graphical representation of my total (game project) contribution. Overall I have comitted 61 iterations of the game.
It would be expected to see the teammate's 4 commits represented, however I have not approved a merge between their branch and the master branch. This is because the first three of their commits were simply (in this order) adding a line of code, deactivating the line of code, and then removing the single line of code. The fourth one, comitted months later, was not allowed to be merged because when they made these additions, they didnt do these on the most recent version of the game, so this could have caused issues.
This data is available publicly through the game project's GitLab repository. See sections such as "Graphs" or "Activity": https://gitlab.kingston.ac.uk/K1811535/Team6_Mobile_Project