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Apr 29, 2021
Individual Project #9 - Patrolling Behaviour Component
In this post, an update on how patrolling has been implemented. For patrolling behaviour, I opted to use blueprints which would provide...
Apr 28, 2021
Individual Project #8 - Smarter AI Perception
In the interest of increasing complexity of AI, I've looked to implementing behaviour which allows AI to work together. As a result, I've...
Mar 23, 2021
Individual Project #8 - Behaviour Trees C++
For more complex and manageable AI, I have opted to convert my AI to a system where characters have AI controllers, and AI controllers...
Sep 18, 2020
Dynamic Delegates and Damage Fundamentals
A dynamic delegate is an event which can be called or responded to. Whenever this event occurs, any listeners/recievers for the event...
Sep 18, 2020
Spawning Actors, Projectile Handling, TSubclassOf<>
This is a fundamental skill, and a very basic one to know. Here's a concise tutorial, including projectiles as spawned actors as an...
Sep 15, 2020
Performing Events Based on Elapsed Time
For when you want X to happen every Y seconds!
Sep 11, 2020
Unreal Group Project: 'Invasion'
Our zombie survival/stealth first-person shooter. Broken up into two levels, the world is in peril and has been overrun by zombies.
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