Throughout our 2nd year, in addition to games development, we also gained a greater understanding on how graphics rendering works through the use of OpenGL. This required the use of C++ (all files included below). Here is a showcase for some of the work I have produced during the course.
Attenuated Lighting and Environment Mapping
Left uses attenuated lighting for a more dim environment which is only lit by the lamp light sources, the right image shows the render without attenuated lighting.
Spotlight and Animated Lighting
This lamp object swings like a pendulum and emits a spotlight which is programmed to be animated in the direction of the lamp.
A quick attempt at rendering fog.
Water Rendering
The waves are animated, there is also fog underwater to create mist.
These are Visual Studio files which must be ran in the 2019 version. The files to open would be the 'main.cpp' C++ file and shader files '.vert' and '.frag' for vertex and fragment shaders.