So many things, and I forgot to write about them over the past few weeks!
The video shows the main character playing hide and seek with his daughter, ending with him finding her behind a tree before they hear the arrival of an ice cream truck-- this is all for now, more dialogue will follow in the coming weeks.
Over the past couple of weeks I have been working on the project, where I have overall been involved in:
Gameplay programming
Gameplay design
Sound design
Level design
The video shows plenty of new additions/improvements:
Dialogue System:
Dialogue typewriter effect (each letter is displayed sequentially)
Dialogue typewriter skip (player can press E to skip watching the type effect)
Dialogue blip sound effect (I designed this myself using "ChipTone")
Dialogue handling for multiple characters in a scene
Dialogue elements can play specific sounds, if applicable
Cutscene Directing:
Use of Cinemachine for Camera-work (following player and keeping within boundaries)
Use of "Playable Director" component with Timeline to compose a basic cutscene
Other (levels, other narrative-related implementations):
Sound implementation for ambience and environment
Designed scenes
Fade in/out transition for use between scenes
Early implementation of a "story-board" format
Internal GUI handle clean-up