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James Burke

Unity VR #0 - Configuration


On this day, I have worked to produce my first VR project in Unity. This project will act as a template through which I can base other VR projects off on. This involved:

  • Setting up XR plug-ins to account for both a PC and Android environment. This is done to produce a project which can be applied to a wide range of platforms.

  • Setting up control mappings

  • Setting up a VR development environment where a VR headset is not currently in possession (use of Mock HMD).

  • Making an ultra basic scene to act as proof of basic functionality. In this scene, controls have been tested to have worked, including controlling left and right hands, camera positioning, and grabbing mechanic for an object which has been set to be interactable.

Why not produce a custom template?

I tried to produce a literal custom template to open through Unity Hub, but ran into issues relating to access denial when modifying files, even when using 7zip as an admin. As a result, the project alone will act as a 'template' which will be duplicated and renamed each time I need to make a new project. I'd make sure to rename in Project Settings>Product Name, as well as set an appropriate name when building the project.

Resources used

I have opted to use Unity version 2021.1.28f rather than 2.xf as a result of preview packages not being available on the latter, where the XR Interaction Toolkit was a requirement for the project (as it provides default input actions as well as the XR device simulator).

The project follows the configurations specified in the first video for basic setup, and follows the second video to enable non VR headset development. The scene looks identical and controls the same as the second video.


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