Over the past couple of weeks:
Completion of the first act (ice cream truck scene)
Development of second act (crime scene)
Additional functionality for the Dialogue Handle script
With extra requirements being formed throughout the game, more features had to be implemented to accomodate for them. I have added two new functionalities since the previous post.
Requirement 1: Ability for the game to transition to the next scene based on the completion of certain dialogue.
Scenes linked through a transition which occurs after the completion of a dialogue block which has been marked as dialogue which triggers the end of a scene (second last boolean in the image).
Requirement 2: Simple tally-based objective tracking
In the new level, the completion is to be relied on the player interacting with a set number of objects in the world. A script attached to a dedicated game object handles this role. The class definition of 'Dialogue' has been modified with a boolean value to signify if a dialogue counts as an objective and should tally towards objective completion.
Designing a New Level
This level sees the player navigating a house to interact with some clues. This is the scene they have been called to. I have designed the scene: the sorting layers, new sprites, dialogue from interactive objects, camera adjustments, etc.
I have also made a user-guidance related decision to add a simple prompt around interactive items, to indicate to the player what can be interacted with in a scene. This prompt comes in the form of a semi-transparent magnifier glass. More will come in terms of user-guidance features.